On the origins of
and Bibliography

In his own words! TS on: Easy Rider, Keith Richards,
Hollywood, Clockwork Orange, Texas, and more!

Quotes on TS: a compelling compilation of quotes from TS peers,
press, and our readers...

"Wickedly funny to read and morally bracing as only good satire can be."
— William Styron

"Terry Southern writes a mean, coolly deliberate, and murderous prose…"
— Norman Mailer

"In this world, [of Flash and Filigree] nothing is true, and censure or outrage is simply irrelevant."
— William S. Burroughs

"If there were a Mount Rushmore of American satire, Terry Southern would be the mountain they’d carve it from."
— Michael O’Donoghue, writer-producer, Saturday Night Live

"The writer Terry Southern…has emerged in hindsight as a kind of real-life Forrest Gump figure—present at the creation of virtually everything new, liberating and free-spirited in post-World War II arts and culture."
— Steve Rosen, The Denver Post, 1999

"The counter-culture's secret genius"
—The Independent, 1999

"Terry Southern is the American writer most capable of handling frenzy on a gigantic scale."
— Esquire

"The aristocratic impulse turned upon itself produced one classic—Terry Southern’s
The Magic Christian. Never had distaste for the habits of a mass mob reached such precision, never did wit falter in its natural assumption that the idiocies of the mass were attached breath and kiss to the hypocrisies, the weltering grandeurs, and the low stupidities of the rich, the American rich. The aristocratic impulse to define society by evocations of manner now survived only in the grace of any cannibal sufficiently aristocratic to sup upon his own family. The Magic Christian was a classic of Camp."

—Norman Mailer, The Spooky Art: Some Thoughts on the Art of Writing, 2003
(p. 303)

"I started reading [The Magic Christian] and I thought I was going to go insane ...
it was an incredible influence on me."
— Hunter S. Thompson